Saturday, August 11, 2007

The man's red beard and mustache were likewise frosted, but more solidly, the deposit taking the form of ice and increasing with every warm, moist breath he exhaled.

H'u-g'e N*e,w-s To Impa ct C_Y*T*V
C_hina Y-ouTV C o,r*p,.
Symbol+: C_Y_T-V
We h.a_v.e alre-ady s.e'e.n CY TV's ma.rket impa+ct befor+e cl im+bing to o,v_e+r $2.0_0 w.i t'h n'e+w.s_.
P-ress Rel*ease:
Chin a You'TV's Cn Boo W'e'b S'i,t*e Ra'nks N.o-.+1 on Micr,osof+t L-i*v e Searc'h Engi*ne
Cn.Boo Traf*fic Increas*-es 4 9_% O_v'e+r T_w.o Mont*hs
R_e*a*d t_h e n_ews, t.hink abou_t t_h_e impa,ct, and
j,u_m.p on t'h_i-s thi_ng Tomo.rro-w m-o'rning! $ 0.4 2 is a g,i'f.t at t-h i+s price.-+....
Do y'o u*r hom,,ework a,n'd wa,tch t-h,i+s t*rade Monda y m,orning.

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